
Bad Girl - Akabane Karma x Reader

Deviation Actions

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Literature Text

R14 lol xD. Note: The story begins in the middle of Karma and Reader’s second year at Kunugigaoka (we’ll assume that Karma and Nagisa have drifted apart by now).

“Hey, Karma, today is the last day I’m going to have lunch with you.” You announced rather casually while absentmindedly chewing on a spring roll. “Maybe you should make up with Nagisa-kun so you won’t have to sit alone.”

“Hm?” Karma scrutinized you with a questioning gaze.

“Oh, you haven’t heard? I’ll be transferred to Class E as of tomorrow for the latest prank I pulled. Sheesh, it’s not as if I did anything particularly harmful…” You mumbled the last bit out with a childish pout.

“Hah, what did you do this time, (Name), and why wasn’t I let in on it?” Karma asked inquisitively, eager to learn about your most recent shenanigans. “I’m a little offended.”

Chuckling, you playfully shoved his shoulder and answered, “Well, it happened in the girls’ locker room, so you couldn’t help unless you would’ve liked to join me in there.” Your eyes took on a mischievous glint as you reached into your pocket and spread out a bunch of rather indecent pictures like a pack of playing cards, all the while snickering like a devil. “You see, some people are cold-hearted bitches by nature, so I decided to teach them a little lesson by stealing their clothes and burning them out in the courtyard. Of course, I made sure to take some photos to… commemorate the occasion. Heh, Karma, how much do you think I can get per piece if I sell them to the local pervert club?”

“Hm, maybe 500 yen. Then again, as they start to sell out and demand rises, some crazy inflation’s bound to happen~.”

“Ha, good idea, Karma! This is why we’re partners in crime!” You laughed, patting him on the back. “Aw man, I won’t be able to conduct my big stunt now. I got the chili powder all ready to be poured down sensei’s pants, but I guess I’ll have to save it for another day. The locker room ploy was just a little side project, but oh well.”

“Want to go do it now?” Karma suggested as a suitable pair of devil horns and eagerly swishing tail seemed to manifest on his form.

“Nah, I’d like to enjoy this time I have with you right now.”  

“Eh, really? You’re choosing to get sentimental now of all times?”

You tilted your head and smiled somewhat cynically at him. “Of course, Karma. What better time is there than now?” Then taking a quick peek at your watch, you realized that lunch was over and stood up, walking independently ahead of him, only to take a small glance back. “Well, this is the last time I’ll see you, Karma, save for assemblies and other rare occasions.” You saluted him with a beaming grin. “So, I guess this is goodbye!”

It never really registered in his mind, the true severity of the situation, until the next day when you didn’t show up for class. Akabane Karma didn’t see you again for months until the one chance day you were in the main building to turn in reports to Principal Asano as requested by your E Class teacher. Exiting the man’s room, you were about to return to the dilapidated facility of Class E, only to be stopped by three students with the intentions of ridiculing you - two males and one female.

“Oh look, it’s a little E Class chump!”
“Did you wander here far from home?”
“Go back to where trash like you belongs!”

Despite their best attempts at provocation, you merely gazed at them with a docile smile. Unfortunately, your gentle expression merely managed to vex them even more. They advanced towards you only to startle when a textbook went flying past their heads, forcefully slamming into the wall with a roaring bang.

“Oops, sorry~!” Karma apologized unconvincingly with feigned surprise, muffling a mocking laugh behind his hand. “I thought I saw a fly, but it was just you guys buzzing around like the insects you are!” The three pupils blanched and fled, nearly running each other over in their stampeding. Karma then looked at you with a devilish grin. “How nice to see you, (Name). Huh, feeling out of the weather? Normally you would’ve busted some heads and broken some bones.”

“Thanks, Karma, for helping me.” You smiled at him, but it was not your usual sardonic smirk - rather, it was subdued and unsettling without your characteristic wildness. The redhead stared at you with stunned amber eyes as a disconcerting feeling passed through him. “But please refrain from damaging school property.”

You turned from him and walked away quietly, not taking a single look back. You seemingly were unaware of his calls of your name and moved obediently on like a marionette.

That was the highlight of his second year. The next time Karma would see you was after his suspension in the third year.


“Yo, Nagisa-kun and (Name). It’s been a while.” The tall, unmistakable figure of Akabane Karma greeted from atop the stairs as you and the rest of the students were returning from gym class.

“Karma-kun, you’re back!” Nagisa muttered out in shock as Karma only smiled with closed eyes in response.

“Ah, if you’ve returned, then you’re definitely going to cause a ruckus.” You spoke in an exasperated, but fond tone. “Well, we better get to sixth period.” You mumbled, traveling up the stairs and passing by him, but Karma caught your arm.

“Hey, wanna skip class with me this Friday?”

Chuckling at him, you shook your head disapprovingly and stared at him with your disturbingly tame (e/c) eyes. “I’m afraid I can’t, Karma. I’ll see you later.”

“Nagisa-kun… what happened to her?” Karma asked, his mercury-stained orbs still trained on your retreating form.

“Huh? Oh, (Name)-chan’s been like this for a long time, at least since I’ve come to Class 3-E.” Nagisa smiled uneasily, scratching his cheek sheepishly. “She’s really different now, right?”

“Mm, guess so.” The crimson-haired male then declared curtly with dangerous eyes, “I don’t like it.”


“(Name)-chan, can you help me set up the lab?” Korosensei asked with two yellow tentacles clasped together while batting his eyes at you.

“Of course, it would be my pleasure, sir.”

“This is disgusting to watch.” Karma growled, hand tightening around his pencil until it snapped in half.

“Haha, yeah, (Name)-chan’s quite the teacher’s pet.” Kayano mumbled with a sweatdrop, watching your courteous self. “Is it true that she was quite the troublemaker back in the days? It’s really hard to imagine.”

“Yes, it’s true. (Name)-chan used to be Karma-kun’s right-hand if you believe it or not - they would cause all sorts of chaos together.” Nagisa explained to the short green-haired girl.

“What?! Seriously? Even when you say it, I still can’t believe it!”

Karma frowned for a mere second before his lips raised up in a cheeky grin. “Ne, (Name)? Wanna go fishing for fresh delinquents after school today? It used to be our favorite pastime.”

You seemed to perk up at his words before getting ahold of yourself and calming down. “Why no, Karma, that’s not something I can do.”

“You sure?”

“D-d-definitely sure.” You gritted out, almost appearing pained at rejecting his proposal.

“Oh, nevermind, I can see it.” Kayano sighed, as you stiffened up and grew flustered, but then relaxed and remained dutiful as ever.

“Aw, you’re no fun anymore~.” Karma sang, walking over to you, throwing an arm around your shoulder and irritatingly poking your cheek with the hand of his other arm as you bit your lip to not explode at him.

It was as if everything you’d been working diligently on was unraveling, the destructive catalyst being Akabane Karma himself. “Karma, you need to understand. I’m not the same girl you once knew. I’ve changed - for the better. I don’t go out hunting delinquents to beat up nor do I exploit their money, I don’t pull pranks, and I don’t hang out with people like you. Instead, I am a helpful, delightful person to be around who won’t get in trouble.”

Your old friend shrugged and gave you a grin that could raise hell. “You know what they say - good girls are just bad girls that haven’t been caught.”

“Excuse me?”

“You’re excused~.”

You felt a vein pop out, but you took in a deep breath and smiled politely at him. “Thank you for excusing me, Karma. I must be going now.” You left the group to go back to your own seat, opening up a planner and scribbling some things into it.

“Che, I’ll admit, she’s a hard nut to crack. But, she’s nothing I can’t handle.”


“Karma-kun, may I have a word with you?” Korosensei questioned, but squealed, jumping back to dodge the anti-sensei knife that Karma thrust out towards him with murderous intent.

“Aw, I was hoping to at least give you a cut.” Karma complained, but he smirked as if pleased and twirled the weapon around in his fingers. “So what do you need, sensei?”

“Were you and (Name)-chan really good friends in the past?”

“I guess you could say that.”

“Nurufufufufufu, I see, I see.” Korosensei chortled, adding the bit of information into his little black book of his class’ secrets.

Karma sweatdropped incredulously at his strange octopus-like teacher. “Korosensei… if you just came to talk to me to get intel on my relationship with her, then I’ll just kill you right now.”

Korosensei let out a startled sound before chuckling at his problematic student again. “No, while I am rather interested in my students’ romantic affairs, that’s not the reason why I wanted to speak with you today, Karma-kun. I’m concerned about (Name)-chan’s lack of bloodlust.” The yellow creature straightened up and revealed, “Not once this year has she attempted to assassinate me. It’s a little unnerving to be honest.” Korosensei turned a suspicious pink as he continued to grin widely with a stupid expression on his face. “I was wondering if you could unlock her passion once again.”

“Huh, you didn’t have to go all this way to ask me, sensei.” Karma announced as a devious countenance manifested itself upon his fine features. “I assure you, I am going to get her back to normal. After all, she’s my indispensable partner in crime.”

“...why do I suddenly feel afraid for my life and sanity?” Korosensei’s rhetorical question was conveniently ignored.

“But, I’ll have her focus all her bloodlust on me first until she's seething and oh so very worked up.” Karma chuckled breathlessly to himself, pupils blown wide in a deviant exhilaration. His reptilian gaze locked itself onto his hands as he tensed and clenched them, looking fiendishly calculating. “Until then, please bear with me, Korosensei~.”


“Argh, it’s always ‘Bitch-sensei this, Bitch-sensei that’ with this damn class!” Irina Jelavic raged rather rambunctiously to herself. “I’m their teacher, so shouldn’t I get some respect from those little brats?!”

“I agree wholeheartedly with you, Irina-sensei.” You piped up, gracing her with a saccharine smile to fit your pleasant countenance. “This class’ manners are absolutely appalling at times. I myself could never think to refer to you, a very lovely and accomplished woman, with such a vulgar name.”

“This is why you’re my favorite, (Name)!” The voluptuous young woman proclaimed, hugging you to her chest as you spluttered and choked, struggling to hold your breath while being suffocated by her overwhelming breasts. “You’re such a darling!”

“DAMN, I DIDN’T EXPECT GIRL-ON-GIRL TO BE THIS HOT!” Okajima, the local E Class pervert exclaimed, holding a tissue to his nose in preparation for a nosebleed, as the rest of the class’ females stared threatening daggers at him.

You cringed at his unnecessary, lecherous interjection, but had other, more urgent circumstances to worry about. “T-thank you, Irina-sensei. I’m glad that I’m liked by someone I admire so-” You coughed, attempting to pull your chin up over her boobs to leave your mouth free to receive the oxygen in the air. “But, please release me, sensei. I can’t breathe!”

“You admire me?!” Irina squeaked, flabbergasted and fixated on your words of apparent veneration for her. “W-well, then I shall pass on some of my skills to you, which will be the greatest honor for a lowly student like yourself.”

“U-uh, miss, I very much appreciate your sentiments, but I don’t think I have what it takes to seduce men like you.”

“Nonsense!” Irina rebutted with her pointer finger raised in protest. “You’ve been blessed with a rather pretty face, (Name), so you should learn how to use your womanly charms to the fullest! And what better teacher will you have for that than I?”

I’d rather not learn your naughty skillset…, you thought to yourself with a deadpan, but you were snapped back to reality when Irina Jelavic cupped your face and brought it to hers.

“First things first, you’ve got to learn how to kiss!” The blonde teacher pressed her lips to yours and even inserted a tongue in order to teach you the highlights of the French kiss as you flailed in mortification and felt your soul leave your body.

“I CAN DIE NOW THAT I’VE SEEN HEAVEN!” A ridiculous amount of blood spurted out of Okajima’s nose as he collapsed on the ground, being fanned by Maehara while Isogai sweatdropped and attempted to gently wake him back to consciousness.

“Heh, so how do you feel seeing Bitch-sensei kiss (Name)-chan?” Nakamura Rio teased, elbowing Karma who only looked at her with a faux innocent disposition.

“Eh, it’s okay since I was her first.” He spoke the dire confession casually, sticking his tongue out.

“E-EH?!?!?!” The whole class let out a collective cry in surprise as you finally managed to pull yourself from the vice grip of your sensuous English teacher to glare at Karma, boiling in humiliation.

“Y-you! We agreed that we were never going to talk about that again!” You barked, jabbing a finger at the boy’s chest. He merely adopted an infuriatingly smug expression in response, indicating how he didn’t feel any remorse for his actions at all. “It was a desperate situation we had to play into and after the police left, we swore to put it all behind us!”


You ignored the stunned class’ boisterous shouts and turned your furious gaze onto the obnoxious Korosensei who had turned a troublesome shade of rose. “YOU, GET YOUR GODFORSAKEN CLASS IN LINE, KOROSENSEI!”


Eventually, the class did manage to settle down once more and never did uncover the story behind the first kiss you and Karma shared in the past because you remained tight-lipped while the sadistic redhead enjoyed torturously withholding the crucial information from his deadly curious companions.

You exhaled in relief, realizing that your school day finally came to a close, so you could flee from the jarring stares of your nosey classmates.

“(Name), hang out with me after school.”

It wasn’t even a request, but more of a demand.

“Karma, I have important things to do.” You sighed, resisting the urge to roll your eyes at his imperative sentence. “So there’s no way I’ll go out with- WHAT IS THAT?!” You practically turned to stone as Karma pulled out a photograph of Irina Jelavic French kissing you rather ardently, a sight certainly rated PG13 at the least.

“Now come on, don’t be so hasty to make that decision, (Name). You wouldn’t want your parents to see this pic, right? I was thinking of showing them since it would be problematic to have such a scandalous relationship with a teacher. Though, I might reconsider if you’ll join me this fine evening.”

You snatched the photo out of his hand, ripping it into tiny pieces, panting from the exertion stemming from mere fury.

“Oh, it’s a good thing I have extras saved on my phone!” Karma chirped as you nearly pulled your hair out from stress. “I’ve even documented the kiss from all angles!” He laughed rather diabolically and swiped his finger across the phone’s screen, moving from picture to picture. “Haha, and look at this - when you swipe through all of them, it looks like an animation!” Your comically pale face escalated to a florid skin tone as your tortured eyes watched Karma play the kiss between Irina and you in a manner reminiscent of a flipbook.

“O-okay, fine, fine! I’ll hang out with you after school today! Just-” You slapped a hand to your face in exasperation. “Stop it with the embarrassing photos. Please let me keep the leftover remains of my shattered dignity.”

“Very good, I’m glad you see things my way!” Karma tilted his head, closed his eyes, and smiled almost innocently. That little devil. “It’s a date then!”


“Trust me, this place has the best view!” Karma insisted adamantly as he dragged your begrudging self along, forcing you to follow him as you both leapt from building to building.

“I wonder why I’m doubting you so...” You muttered sarcastically, but he paid no attention to your sass and continued to lead you to the top of a decrepit facility. Once you reached the edge which Karma plopped onto, patting the spot next to him, you sat down as your eyes widened at the sight below. “Wow…” The next moment your facial expression changed to an instant deadpan. “How utterly unromantic.”

The scenery that graced your eyes consisted of repulsive dumpsters, miscellaneous garbage and empty glass alcohol bottles littered all around the ground, and a surplus of sleazy and sketchy-looking men.

“Hey, this is where it’s all at!” Your red haired companion asserted, opening his arms in a wide, exaggerated gesture to display the magnificence of the landmark he had chosen to take you to for today. “I can’t think of anywhere else you’d rather be.”

“Karma, I’m trying to decide whether you’re just insane or a misunderstood genius...”

“Obviously I’m the latter, (Name). I mean look - there are all sorts of fun things going on here, plenty of delinquents, and plus, it’s the perfect place to skip stones!” He grabbed a loose pebble from the building and threw it downwards, the rock bouncing across three of the ruffian heads below as they shouted out in pain.

You clasped a hand over your mouth, turning away from the sight in a flash, shoulders shaking as you attempted to get ahold of yourself. Only your attention was once again called to the scene located at that lower altitude as you heard yells from below.

“Hey, did you throw that rock at me, punk?”
“Hah? I was hit too! How do I know it wasn’t from you?!”
“You wanna fight, bastard?”
“Come at me and I’ll send your sorry ass flying right back where it came from!”

The two engaged in a tussle and several other hooligans joined in one by one until the whole area beneath your seated positions became a battlefield with every single person involved in the fray. One of the delinquents was knocked flat on his back, another landing onto his stomach, and teeth were flying in all directions. Karma used his thumb to flip another stone as you both watched it fall with bated breath, the rock landing almost perfectly on the upturned ass of an unconscious bandit.

You couldn’t help yourself - a small snicker reverberated out as your shoulders heaved. Karma raised his hand for a high-five and you couldn’t resist, giving him one with a loud, satisfying smack.

He then grinned widely at you and exclaimed, “It’s been a while since I’ve seen you laugh. Ha, I knew this would get you!” Karma then seized another stone and held it out to you. “Your turn! Think you can get four skips?”

You were about to accept it before remembering your current situation, causing you to sober up. “Ah, actually I really should be getting home now. My parents will throw a fit if I’m not back by 6:00… wait, what’s the time? 7:44?! Holy sh- I need to go home right now!”

“Aw, a curfew, and such an early one at that?” Karma whined, but frowned at your concerning sense of urgency. “Hey, calm down, we’ll be back by 8:00. It’ll be fine.”

“No, you don’t understand-”

“HEY, YOU TWO UP THERE!” One of the delinquents howled from down below, noticing yourselves perched atop the building. “WHAT ARE TWO JUNIOR HIGH KIDS DOING AT A PLACE LIKE THIS?”

“We were watching you muscleheads fight it out. It was a great show, very entertaining~.” Karma mocked from above, clapping his hands to applaud them, merely provoking them further.

“You little shits! We’ll get you for this!”

“Hah? And how do you plan to do that being all the way down there?” Karma taunted, sticking his tongue out at them. “It fits really, to have you guys so low beneath us, groveling at our feet. Come and get us when you’re on our level!”


“Karma, I really have to leave now.” You interrupted, standing up and beginning to walk back without him.

He easily caught up to you using his longer legs and wider strides. “Okay~, I’ll walk you there.”

“No!” You screeched abruptly, surprising him and causing him to blink owlishly at you. “I-I mean, thanks, but no thanks. Seriously, it’d be for the best of both of us. Don’t walk me home. ...please.”

“Aw, and when I thought I’d finally freed you from your atypical boringness…”

“Karma,” You glanced at him briefly and smiled plaintively. “I’ll never be free.”


“I’m home…”

“(Last Name), where have you been?!” Your mother shrieked, rushing down the stairs to reach the doorstep. “Look at the time! It’s 8:04! What have you been doing at this hour?!”

“Mother…” You began, watching her with tired, jaded eyes, only to halt at the warning glint in her (e/c) optics. “(L/N)-san, I was out with a friend and lost track of the time. I apologize dearly for my-”

“OUT WITH A FRIEND? (L/N), if you have the time to hang out with ‘friends’, then why don’t you spend a bit of that time studying?! Such a useless, stupid child we have, making stupid decisions and getting stupid grades!” She hissed, clutching her purse with an iron grip in heated frustration. “I don’t understand- you used to be so smart… a little, insufferable, troublemaking hoodlum, but smart! You only ever place in the high forties on exam rankings now. Due to your prior misbehaviors, Kunugigaoka’s main campus won’t want you back unless you get in the top ten! How can you be so ignorant? Do you know how this'll affect your future and the family's reputation? It’s because you don’t try anymore that you’re an idiot!”

“(L/N)-san,” You tilted your head and smiled courteously at her. “I no longer try because I know that you’ll force me to leave E Class if I do better. I’m not going anywhere; I want to stay in E Class… with Karma-”

“...don’t say that boy’s name.”

At that time, your father also stepped down the stairs and you winced, responding to your mother’s command. “Yes ma’am. I’m sorry for stepping out of line.”

“Dear, (L/N) is acting up again! And to think that I held the slightest bit of hope that she had changed her uncivil ways...” The older woman turned to her husband with a disappointed scowl. “What have we done wrong? We’ve raised her with the utmost care. How could she turn out like this?!”

“(Mother’s Name), I’ve already told you…” He suddenly lashed out, dealing you a potent blow to the stomach as you crumpled to the ground, heaving and gasping for air. “Violence is the only thing this child responds to!” Grabbing you by the hair, he lifted your head up, forcing you to meet his eyes. “Now then, I trust that you’ll never miss curfew again?”

“Yes, sir.” You breathed, gazing at your father with apathetic and disillusioned eyes.

“Don’t look at me like that! You ungrateful little brat! Your only worthwhile achievement in life was being born from us!”

“I apologize.” You responded monotonously, looking away to avoid incensing the beast further.

“Wow, she only really listens to you, (Father’s Name).” Your mother acclaimed as her husband guffawed, the harsh sound of it grating within your ears.

“Of course. After all, she only respects those stronger than her. She’s a delinquent… won’t ever submit unless you step all over her, show her who’s really in power here.” Your father then continued to scrutinize you as if you were some strange, foreign specimen. “So, is this why you get along so well with that kid, Karma?” He chuckled coldly, stamping a foot onto your back, pinning you to the floor as you merely remained silent. Your father began a rhythmic pattern of stomps and laughed, “Did he beat and oppress you the same way I did? Did he use fear and violence to dictate your life?”

You tilted your head to glower at him, an animalistic gleam present within your slitted (e/c) eyes. “He did no such thing. Karma is not my dictator… he is my precious partner in crime.” You pressed your hands to the ground, gradually pushing yourself up while opposing your father’s strength as he attempted to keep you lying in a submissive position, pressed to the ground. “So, I’m a little pissed you’re implying that he would do such a thing.”

“W-what are you-” Stuttering, your father flinched from fear as your mother cowered behind him. Your palpable bloodlust permeated the space within the house and seemed to be thickening the air. “You’re a demon!”

“I don’t care what you say about me, but you will not insult Karma in my presence.” Your hand slipped into your pocket, locating the palm-sized rock you had furtively snagged from the crumbling building earlier. “My loyalty lies with my comrades… Sorry, mom, dad.” You hurled your stone at the nearest window, promptly shattering it. Your family became petrified.

It sounded like a gunshot.

You leaped through the now open window, cautiously avoiding the jagged ends of broken glass and mingled with the shadows, disappearing into the night. Your body moved autonomously towards its destination before you were even consciously aware enough to decide upon where to take shelter for the night.

“K-karma! Karma!” You hissed at a lowered volume from below his room’s window to gain his attention. “Hey, you there?”

He opened the window, peering outside and glancing down at you. “Hah? (Name)? What the hell are you doing?”

“Eh, I’m gonna crash over at your house. It’ll be just like old times.” You grunted monotonously and sweatdropped at his cheeky expression, indicating that he wasn’t going to let you live this down.

“Ooh, what a bad girl, sneaking out in the middle of the night to see a boy~. I doubt your parents would approve of this.”

“Karma, please duly shut yourself up.” You rolled your eyes, ignoring his attempt at provocation and glanced around the perimeter. You took a running start up the side of his house and grabbed ahold of the drainage pipe, clinging to the wall. You paled, noting how there were no longer the footholds you remembered being there when you were a kid. “K-karma, where are the footholds?”

“The house was remodeled. Anyways, just jump. I’ll grab your arms.”

“Karma, I could break a leg if you miss!”

“You know me, I wouldn’t be the one to mess up. On the other hand… you just better make sure to jump well yourself, haha!” You heaved a sigh at his carefree personality but nonetheless took the leap of faith, Karma thankfully catching your lower arms in his hands. He pulled you up rather easily into his room, where you unceremoniously collapsed onto the floor. “You could’ve just used the front door, you know.”

“Well, what if your parents were home?” You shot back at him, dragging the seat from his desk over to him and sitting upon it.

“They’re never home.” He scoffed, dismissing your argument and lying down flat on his back on his bed. “So, how long are you going to stay?”

“Uh, as long as you’ll let me, I guess…” You mumbled, not meeting his eyes as you fidgeted and toyed with your fingers.

“Are you seriously getting shy now? It won’t really do you any good since you’ve already entered the lion’s den. It’s too late to back out now.” He remarked with a crooked smirk, but you simply scowled at him in response. “Huh, you haven’t come over since last year before you were moved to E Class.” Karma murmured contemplatively. “So what’s the special occasion?”

“Nothing! I just… er, smashed a window and ran away from home.”

“Really? Ha, that’s gold!” Karma laughed, pulling himself up into a seated position as you pouted and looked away from him irately. “You really are a troublemaker, (Name)! You haven’t changed at all!”

“Yeah, I know...” You whispered, glancing down at your lap miserably as your hands clenched so tightly that the blood circulation was cut off, your skin becoming a paler shade of its normal, healthy color. “My family… I disappoint them.”


“My parents were once my everything, but of course, they were quick to abandon me as soon as I showed signs of not being the child they wanted me to be. Even after I tried to play pretend, play the role, it still amounted to nothing.” You chuckled hollowly, picking at lint stuck to your clothes. “I wonder if by now, after what I’ve done and what they’ve done, maybe they’ll finally become nothing to me.” Your hair covered your eyes as your body began to tremble. “But then that would mean that I happen to have nothing at all. ...o-oh my god.” You breathed, eyes dilating at the traumatizing epiphany. “I have nothing.

Karma looked at you and sighed, reaching out and grabbing ahold of your arm. The next moment, your center of gravity was disrupted as the momentum of his tug sent you flying on top of him. “Sheesh, why are you still acting like a stranger? You used to come over all the time and rudely make yourself at home. Sitting on a chair? You’d normally just splay all over my bed, taking up all the room and refusing to listen to my complaints.”

“Akabane Karma-!” Your indignant words were unfortunately left unfinished as they were interrupted by Karma rolling over to pin you down on his bed, now hovering about a foot or two above you, his hands positioned by both sides of your head.

“So it was your parents that were causing you to act so weird. What a stupid reason.” He spoke his crude words carelessly and you resisted the urge to headbutt him as it felt like he was talking to you as if you were some foolish child to be chided.

“Why you-”

“Heh, you have nothing? You dare call me nothing? That’s just insulting on a whole ’nother level.” Karma leaned down until his scarlet hair brushed across your face and your (e/c) eyes widened as your heart stuttered in response. “If you have nothing, then I’ll just become your everything. I’ll establish a monopoly over you.”


“I’ll make you forget everything else. The only person you would have to worry about pleasing will be me.”

Your lips twitched before curling up as you glanced up at him incredulously. The next second you burst out laughing as a splattering of red spanned from Karma’s face to the tips of his ears. “W-what kind of twisted confession was that supposed to be, K-karma?”

“Hah?! Why the hell are you laughing?!” He tried to glare darkly at you, but the whole deadly effect was negated by the heated blush painting his cheeks. “Is this is how you treat me, someone who’s been treating you so nicely?!”

“I-I’m sorry- haha, I just can’t- y-you’re taking your bureaucrat thing too far! You want to monopolize me? I guess that means you really want my goods!” He flushed even more terribly at the unintended innuendo engendered by his wording. "Pfft, ahahahahahaha!” You continued to cackle hysterically until Karma, finally having enough of the abuse, pressed a pillow over your face, trying to smother you in a half-hearted manner.

Karma, the only problem is that maybe I might just say yes...


“(Name), why’d you leave without me?” Karma complained, sitting on your desk with legs crossed, simultaneously flicking you repeatedly on the forehead. “That’s really cold of you.”

“S-shut up, I didn’t want to be seen walking with you to school!” You shouted at him in a whisper, insistently pressing your pointer finger to your lips to try to convey to him that he should be talking quieter about this subject.

“Wow, I really was expecting you to have warmed up to me by now… especially considering how you slept with me last night~.”

“H-HEEEEHHHH?!” The whole class shrieked in unison and you could feel a migraine forming, as well as a terrible sense of deja vu.

“You people are all misunderstanding the situation! And you! Karma, don’t word it like that!” You rubbed your temples in frustration. “We only slept in the same bed. Furthermore, it was an accident - I wasn’t planning on passing out there.”

“You know, you’re the really clingy hugging type of sleeper, (Name). How adorably humiliating~.”

“KARMA!” You then targeted your deadly gaze onto the classroom octopus. “KOROSENSEI YOU BETTER NOT BE WRITING WHAT I THINK YOU’RE WRITING! PUT THAT NOTEBOOK DOWN!”

“B-but (Name)-chan, I want to document my fondest memories with the class!” Said octopus squirmed nervously from your tangible wrath as you glowered at him again.

“Anyways, you’ve got no proof, Karma.” You argued, crossing your arms and sticking your nose up in the air haughtily. He then unleashed the dreaded cell phone, locked and loaded with selfies of the incident. “KARMA DELETE THOSE RIGHT NOW!”


At the end of the day, your physically and emotionally drained form collapsed onto your desk as you laid your head down upon your folded arms.

“Karma, can we leave now? Just how much more time do you intend to spend on this prank? All the other students have gone home by now.” You grumbled sourly from staying at the school for hours as he eagerly worked at editing Korosensei’s precious dirty magazines… not one or two or even three of them, but ALL of them. The teen with infernal plans cut out hundreds of copies of Korosensei photos to extract the teacher’s yellow squishy body (without the head), gluing them over the salacious figures of the models with a super-adhesive.

“If you’d help me out, then things would go by a lot faster.”  

“I’d prefer to go through life not seeing the horrid things inside Korosensei’s pervert magazines.”

He sighed. “You’re still no fun as ever, goody two-shoes.”

“Karma, are you finished yet?” You whined, flopping onto your side to stare at him, hoping it would burn a hole in his head or at the very least, make Karma uncomfortable enough for him to have to deal with you. “God, I just want to go home!”

“You know, my house is your house, rather literally at that.” Karma replied, not even sparing you a single glance. “Go home without me.”

“I would’ve loved to do that if you weren’t the only one with the key…” You groaned, shooting an unamused look at the boy.

“Hah? Then just get it. It’s in my back pocket.”

“...I don’t want to touch you there.”

“It’s your loss, in more ways than one.”

“Karma, you’re exhausting to deal with.” You puffed out some air impatiently. “What time is it?” He showed you the clock on his phone, but you were more focused on the atrocity he had set as his background, one of the previously mentioned selfies that you weren’t able to delete in time (you were dead asleep, arms wrapped snugly around his torso, while Karma held the phone up with one hand, making a peace sign with the other, and sticking his tongue out). “How dare you.”

“It’s cute, right?” He cackled as you could almost discern the silhouettes of devil horns proudly protruding from his head.

You deadpanned at him, reaching for the rubbery anti-sensei knife at your waist. “I think I’ll assassinate you first.”

“Go ahead, I’d be honored!”

You frowned at his aberrant glee and dilated, molten amber eyes. “Damn adrenaline junkie.” Scoffing, you left the weapon at your side and sniffed, looking away from him disdainfully.

“Oh, you’re not going to do it then?” Karma goaded as you grumbled quietly to yourself. He grabbed your wrist and lowered his head down to lock gazes with you. “You’re still holding back even after all this time. You know I don’t like it when people hold back on me.” His eyes were dangerous, filled with all sorts of perils - to any other person, it would have been terrifying. Yet, in your unique case, an innate something within your own eyes grappled with your conscious will to answer back.

Karma…” Your voice was hoarse, filled with the same unorthodox, deviant longing as his. Your fervent concentration on the teen holding you close was broken by the new awareness of the people outside the classroom window. “It’s those guys.”

“Hm?” He turned his head and stared at the newcomers as his lips crooked up in a ferocious smirk. “Ah, I see… they’ve come to pick a fight with us after all, huh?”

“Come on.” You murmured, tugging at his sleeve as you stood up and motioned towards the door. “We’ve got to take care of this unsightly problem. Wouldn’t want them to cause a ruckus on our class’ school grounds.”

“Your reasoning concerns me.” Karma retorted, as it sounded like something a boring teacher’s pet would say. However, his heart faltered momentarily before racing in ecstasy upon recognizing that old, nostalgia-inducing flame burning brightly once again within your gaze.

“Oh no, Karma.” You bared your teeth at him in a wild, untamed grin. “It’s just going to serve as my excuse for why I sent them all to the hospital.”

You both exited the school building and met with the delinquents that Karma pissed off during the date. One of the thugs noticed you two approaching them on the lawn in front of the facility and guffawed victoriously, “We recognized the girl’s Kunugigaoka school uniform, but it took a while for us to find you two pieces of shit since we didn’t expect you to be part of E Class, the lowest of the low! We were starting to get worried that you guys may have gone home by now, but it looks like there was nothing for us to worry about after all. Now we can finally teach you brats a les-”

He didn’t even get to finish his sentence before you lunged at him, leaping up into the air and extending your right leg out to kick him right under the chin. The man’s head snapped up before his body began falling backwards, and the momentum of your jump sent you flying onto him. You wrapped your legs around his torso and fell with him, landing on his chest as you continued to punch him until he went out like a light.

“Ha, is that all you’ve got?! What a disappointment! If you entertain me enough, I just might let you hit me once!” You exclaimed, throwing another punch as Karma whistled low, admiring your form, before he chose his own victim and you moved onto your second.

And well, it didn’t take long for the whole group of delinquents to be completely wiped out by the combined manpower of (Full Name) and Akabane Karma.

“Ahahaha, that was so fun! I can’t believe that I forgot just how good this makes you feel.” You giggled while stretching out your sore arms above your head and then cracking your neck. “Hm, I still feel so light and airy right now… While I’m still on this high, I want to do something else.” You beamed at your redheaded companion and took hold of his hand, dragging him along with you back inside the building. “Karma, come with me!”

“Aren’t you energetic today?” He stated lightheartedly, but allowed you to pull him along and direct him to wherever you were planning to take him. You brought him back into the classroom, slamming open the door and not even bothering to shut it behind you, pushing Karma down into one of the chairs and taking a seat upon his lap, straddling the boy.

You tangled your fingers into his crimson hair, disheveling it further when tugging his head down to meet yours. Your mouth captured his in a messy, hungry kiss as your teeth clashed with an animalistic passion. One hit, two hits, three hits…  You bit his bottom lip and prodded his mouth open with your tongue, thrusting it in and entangling it with his. Seven hits, eight hits, nine hits… During the kiss, you tugged none too gently on the silky strands of Karma’s hair. He didn’t complain at the harsh treatment though, but let out an aroused groan and grabbed onto your shoulders with a bruising force, pulling you even closer, until you were flush against him. Fourteen hits, fifteen hits, sixteen hits… Your tongue roamed the top of his mouth and you gasped when Karma’s hands slipped underneath your shirt, caressing your stomach before trailing behind you and up your back. Twenty hits, twenty-one hits, twenty-two hits… Sighing into his mouth, you pressed your lips harder against him and touched the tip of your tongue to the tip of his. Twenty-eight hits, twenty-nine hits, thirty hits… He unclasped your bra.

You broke away from Karma for the air you both desperately needed, chest heaving from the mind blowing kiss. Karma was also panting quite hard, but not even his currently ravished state could prevent him from making his usual, provocative jabs. “Oh, did beating up those guys turn you on?” His lips traced a sensuous path down your neck, leaving a series of short, searing kisses that left your skin tingling. When he reached the area above your clavicle, he gave it a small lick before loosening your tie and pulling both layers of your uniform top down. You shivered and sighed with euphoric pleasure when Karma pressed his lips to the newly discovered section of your upper body, and you could feel his smirk forming against your skin. “Hm, are you breathless already? Answer me.”

Your already rosy cheeks glowed even more at his teasing, but you ignored him and pulled on his hair a second time. “Shut up and kiss me again.”

“Weren’t you supposed to be a good girl, (Name)?” Karma sneered with a lust blown smirk, arms wrapped securely and possessively around your waist. “Teacher’s pet, (Full Name), is making out with the class’ bad boy after school hours - how obscene~.”

“You know what? Forget it.” You winked at him and crooned, “Why should I try so hard to change myself when I just love being bad?”

“Well, I guess I can see your point~.” Karma answered with a lilt to his voice before lifting a hand to his chin pensively. “So you got thirty hits…” He chuckled lowly and cupped your face, tilting your head up and angling it with his. “Mm, not bad, but I bet I can get forty hits on you~.” Karma purred out smoothly.

But before he could kiss you and take the lead this time, an irritatingly familiar voice belted out, “HEY YOU TWO! NO MAKING OUT IN THE CLASSROOM AFTER SCHOOL! IT SEEMS LIKE I’LL HAVE TO GO FURTHER AND SAY NO SEX ON SCHOOL GROUNDS TOO!” Korosensei’s squiggly body manifested itself in the hallway just outside the room, holding up a megaphone to his mouth.

You nearly fell off of Karma’s lap if it wasn’t for his one arm poised around your lower body. Your eye twitched in irritation before you heaved out a sigh and reached behind underneath the back of your shirt to reclip your bra that was still left on your body and hadn’t yet been removed. “ know what, Karma? Change of plans. You’re going to help me kill Korosensei right now.” You declared with an annoyed smile, grabbing his hand and dragging him along as Korosensei squeaked and trembled.

“W-wait, aren’t you taking things a little too far? I mean, to kill someone who was just trying to protect your futures- it’s hard being teen parents!”

“Karma, I want him dead by sundown.”


“Karma-kun, don’t comply with her demands!”



“Karma, let’s go back to that old building and chuck some more rocks at the guys below.”

“Sure, sounds like fun.”

“Oh, and Karma, look what I built yesterday, a fishing rod! Think if we stick some money to it, the fish will bite?”

“They’re obviously not talking about fish…” The class muttered out passively, long given up on scolding them.

“Mmhm, probably some of the really desperate ones! Haha, good idea, (Name)!” Karma laughed before calling to the main E Class teacher, “Korosensei, (Name) and I are leaving early today!”

“W-wait, you two-” The humanoid octopus sighed at the classroom door slamming shut. “They’re gone. My nicest student has turned to the dark side!” He sobbed to himself, hiding his face behind four of his tentacles.

“Ah, (Name)-chan and Karma-kun are really getting along well these days.” Nagisa laughed sheepishly, scratching his cheek as a nervous bead of sweat trailed down his forehead.

“Yeah, I found the hooligans nearly procreating on your chair, Nagisa-kun.” Korosensei declared rather simply and nonchalantly for such a bombshell while wiping at his tears with a white handkerchief. “Well, at least (Name)-chan has developed a healthy level of bloodlust.”

“I guess I agree- wait, what? What was that you said before?”

Korosensei merely turned completely white and blank, a suitably guilty pokerface for the occasion. “Nagisa-kun… your tragically tainted butt will be sorely missed.”

“D-don’t talk about it like it’s dead! Actually, don’t talk about it at all!”

Korosensei then slipped out of the now silent classroom, unannounced, before the students spontaneously started an uproar.
Well, it seems like I can't write short oneshots anymore ._. . But nonetheless, enjoy all the Karma within this long story. Lol, I just wanted to write a oneshot where Karma is continuously pestering the Reader who is trying to change her ways and become a good girl, but it turned out more angsty than I planned :P. Haha, it does get a bit steamy at the end, but you people will probably enjoy it even more so.

Karma: Nina doesn't own Assassination Classroom or you, but if you'd like, you could belong to me. That is, if you think you can handle me~.
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